Recommended Reading

I owe much of what I know to the following books. I am also a strong proponent of co-sleeping and attachment parenting. It just makes sense, and it’s how all non-American cultures raise their children.

The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (La Leche League International Book)
I strongly urge all pregnant moms to go to at least one La Leche League meeting in their 3rd trimester. I went to 3 meetings while I was pregnant!! Once Estelle was born, I knew immediately what to do. This book is amazing and has virtually everything you need to know about breastfeeding.

Attachment Parenting: Instinctive Care for Your Baby and Young Child
I borrowed this book from my local LLL library. Many of the philosophies covered in this book I instinctively had… and knew I would raise my children in this manner… such as co-sleeping. For thousands of years this is how children have been raised. They slept with their parents in their bed. It just makes sense to sleep with your baby. Also, sling-wearing. Wearing your baby in a sling around the house to do chores, out in public, or at a friends house. It’s not only convenient, but it’s a way to bond with your baby, and get him/her used to noises around the house, and being able to sleep while snugged across your body as you move about.

The Baby Book: Everything You Need to Know About Your Baby from Birth to Age Two (Revised and Updated Edition)
The title of this book describes it all. Everything you need to know about birth, breastfeeding, sleeping options, colic, illnesses, general health, weaning, etc. The book is by Dr. Sears, who also contributed to the above book. I enjoy reading anything by Dr. Sears.